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  §101 公立入試英語対策 特別篇 2回目 by Toppo

<Question>次の各設問に答えなさい。制限時間:15分 配点は100点とします。

【問1】次の対話が成り立つように、(   )内に下のア〜エから適切なものを選び、
〔   〕に記号で書きなさい。 <各5点×2=10点>
(1)A:Do you know where we will practice soccer today ?
  B:No. I'l ask my teacher and (   ) you know later.
  ア show イ let ウ tell エ  want                 〔   〕
(2)A:Sorry, Mr. Tanaka cannot go to the meeting tomorrow.
  B:Oh, really ? Well, we want someone to come to the meeting (   ) of him.
  ア place イ instead ウ because エ account        〔   〕

【問2】次の文が成り立つように、(   )内に下のア〜エから最も適切なものを選ん
 で、その記号を〔   〕に書きなさい。 <各5点×4=20点>
(1)The letter (   ) in his house.      〔   〕
ア which he lost many years ago was fiound
イ was found which many years lost ago he
ウ which was lost found he many years ago
エ was lost many years ago he found wwhich
(2)The machine (   ) .           〔   〕
ア easily clean my room helps me
イ helps me my room clean easily
ウ easiy clean me helps my room
エ helps me clean my room easily
(3)I will (   ) the piano in the festival.  〔   〕
ア play to my teacher let me ask
イ ask my teaher to let me play
ウ play my teacher let me ask to
エ ask to let me my teacher play
(4)The officer (   ) to go .         〔   〕
ア standing there will show you which way
イ will you show which way standing there
ウ standing which way there yoy will show
エ will show you way there which standing

【問3】次の文または対話が成り立つように、(   )内の語を正しく並びかえて
 〔   〕に英文を完成しなさい。      <各5点×6=30点>
(1)A:That's a beautifl picture !
  B:Thank you. It was taken by my brother who lives in India.
  A:(do/is/know/this place/you/where) ?
  B:I don't know. I'll ask him later.
  〔                                             〕
(2)A:What's the matter ?
  B:I have lost my mobile phone.
  A:Is it in your bag ?
  B:NO. (am/for/I/looking//the/phone/mobile/must) be in my room.
  〔                                             〕
(3)The graph (are/that/interested/us/we/shows) in becoming better English
  〔 The graph                                      〕
(4)A:Hello. May I speak to Tom, please ?
  B:Sorry. He's out now. I'll (you/him/call/to/tell) back
  〔 I'll                                           〕
(5)I also (some messages/by/received/local people/written ) and graduates.
  〔 I also                                         〕
(6)It was fun to (how/think about/could/create/I) a great negajjo.
  〔 It was fun to                                    〕

【問4】次の文または対話が成り立つように、(   )内の語を正しく並びかえて
 〔   〕に英文を完成しなさい。      <各5点×6=30点>
(1)A:I (been/the book/ have/for/which/looking) I borrowd. Did you see it ?
  B::No. I'll help you find it.
  〔 I                                           〕
(2)A:I'd like to buy a new omputer, but I can't (should/I/one/to/which/decide)
  B:Oh, let me help you.
  〔  I can't                                        〕
(3)A:Are you free now ?
  A:Will you help (carry/to/me/this desk) our classroom ?
  B:OK, but I think it is too heavy.
  〔 Will you help                                    〕
(4)A:Have you decided the name of your new dog ?
  B:Yes. I (Kuro/it/after/the/its/named ) color..
  〔 I                                           〕
(5)A:I like your shoes.
  B:Thanks. I bought them last Saturday.
  A:Oh, I see.
  B:When I run, wearing (always/designed/for/makes/shoes/running) me happy.
  〔 When I run, wearing                                 〕
(6)A:Can you play the guitar ?
  B:Just a little. But I (better/wish/were/I/could/at) playing it.
  〔 But I                                           〕

【問5】次の対話が成り立つように、(   )内の語を正しく並びかえて〔   〕に
 英文を完成しなさい。また、〔   〕に1行目のビルの会話を訳しなさい。 
Bill:I can't finish this homework by tomorrow. I wish I had more time.
Mary:Are you OK ? Well, (anything/can/I/is/there) do for you ?
Bill:Thanks. Can I call you tonight if I need your help ?
 英文〔                                          〕
 訳 〔                                           〕


【問1】次の対話が成り立つように、(   )内に下のア〜エから適切なものを選び、
〔   〕に記号で書きなさい。 <各5点×2=10点>
(1)A:Do you know where we will practice soccer today ?
  B:No. I'l ask my teacher and (   ) you know later.
  ア show イ let ウ tell エ  want                 〔 イ 〕
(2)A:Sorry, Mr. Tanaka cannot go to the meeting tomorrow.
  B:Oh, really ? Well, we want someone to come to the meeting (   ) of him.
  ア place イ instead ウ because エ account        〔 イ 〕
(1) let+人+原型不定詞;使役動詞のlet(人に〜させる)の文法になることに気
づくこと! let you know あなたに知ることをさせる→あなたに知らせる
 B いいえ。先生に聞いて、あとであなたに知らせるわ。
 話の流れから、「誰かに彼の代わりに会議に来てもらいたい」となるかな。(  )
のあとにofが来ているのだから、instead of 〜(〜の代わりに)がすぐに頭に浮か
ばねばならないね。 place の場合inがいる。instead of 〜=in place of 〜
 because of 〜=on account of 〜
【問2】次の文が成り立つように、(   )内に下のア〜エから最も適切なものを選ん
 で、その記号を〔   〕に書きなさい。 <各5点×4=20点>
(1)The letter (   ) in his house.      〔 ア 〕
ア which he lost many years ago was fiound
イ was found which many years lost ago he
ウ which was lost found he many years ago
エ was lost many years ago he found wwhich
(2)The machine (   ) .           〔 エ 〕
ア easily clean my room helps me
イ helps me my room clean easily
ウ easiy clean me helps my room
エ helps me clean my room easily
(3)I will (   ) the piano in the festival.  〔 イ 〕
ア play to my teacher let me ask
イ ask my teaher to let me play
ウ play my teacher let me ask to
エ ask to let me my teacher play
(4)The officer (   ) to go .         〔 ア 〕
ア standing there will show you which way
イ will you show which way standing there
ウ standing which way there yoy will show
エ will show you way there which standing
★2番と3番が新問題! 今後こうした形式の問題のなかでも増えていくだろう。
 関係代名詞(目的格)と受動態 この1番は基礎的問題。
 help +人+原型不定詞(人が〜するのを手伝う)
(3)ask +人+to不定詞(人に〜するように頼む)と
 使役動詞の let +人+原型不定詞(人に〜させる)が融合した文。
 I will ask my teaher to let me play the piano in the festival.
が入っている。which +名詞+to不定詞 は、並び替え問題でほんとよく出る。
【問3】次の文または対話が成り立つように、(   )内の語を正しく並びかえて
 〔   〕に英文を完成しなさい。      <各5点×6=30点>
(1)A:That's a beautifl picture !
  B:Thank you. It was taken by my brother who lives in India.
  A:(do/is/know/this place/you/where) ?
  B:I don't know. I'll ask him later.
  〔 Do you know where this place is ?  〕
(2)A:What's the matter ?
  B:I have lost my mobile phone.
  A:Is it in your bag ?
  B:NO. (am/for/I/looking//the/phone/mobile/must) be in my room.
  〔 The mobile phone I am looking for must be in my room.  〕
(3)The graph (are/that/interested/us/we/shows) in becoming better English
  〔 The graph shows us that we are interested in becoming better English
   speakers  〕
(4)A:Hello. May I speak to Tom, please ?
  B:Sorry. He's out now. I'll (you/him/call/to/tell) back
  〔 I'll tell him to call you back. 〕
(5)I also (some messages/by/received/local people/written ) and graduates.
  〔 I also received some messages written by local people and graduates. 〕
(6)It was fun to (how/think about/could/create/I) a great negajjo.
  〔 It was fun to think about how I could create a great nengajo. 〕
(1) 間接疑問文 肯定の語順(疑問詞+S+V) これは基礎すぎる。
(2) 関係代名詞の目的格(that / which)が省かれた文、というか普通省略され
(3) そのグラフはわたしたちに、私たちが英語をより上手に話すようになることに
興味があることを示している。主語+shows+us+that節 の二重目的語の文。
(4) tell +人+to 不定詞 (人に〜するように言う) call 〜back(〜に後で電話
する) 彼にあなたにあとで電話するように言いましょう。
(5) わたしはまた、地元の人々と卒業生によって書かれたメッセージをいくつか
受け取った。過去分詞による修飾用法 基本的でなんら難しくない。
(6) どうやって素敵な年賀状を作れるかについて考えることは楽しかった。
 It ・・・to 〜構文と、to以下のなかで間接疑問文の入った文。
【問4】次の文または対話が成り立つように、(   )内の語を正しく並びかえて
 〔   〕に英文を完成しなさい。      <各5点×6=30点>
(1)A:I (been/the book/ have/for/which/looking) I borrowd. Did you see it ?
  B:No. I'll help you find it.
  〔 I have been looking for the book which I borrowed.  〕
(2)A:I'd like to buy a new omputer, but I can't (should/I/one/to/which/decide)
  B:Oh, let me help you.
  〔 I can't decide which one I should buy.  〕
(3)A:Are you free now ?
  A:Will you help (carry/to/me/this desk) our classroom ?
  B:OK, but I think it is too heavy.
  〔 Will you help me carry this desk to our classroom ?  〕
(4)A:Have you decided the name of your new dog ?
  B:Yes. I (Kuro/it/after/the/its/named ) color..
  〔 I named it Kuro after its color.  〕
(5)A:I like your shoes.
  B:Thanks. I bought them last Saturday.
  A:Oh, I see.
  B:When I run, wearing (always/designed/for/makes/shoes/running) me happy.
  〔 When I run, wearing shoes designed for running always makes me happy. 〕
(6)A:Can you play the guitar ?
  B:Just a little. But I (better/wish/were/I/could/at) playing it.
  〔 But I wish I were better at playing it  〕
(1) 現在完了進行形(have+been+〜ing)の文  あと関係代名詞(目的格)
  わたしが借りた本を探し続けています。 I'll help you find it (.help +人+
(2) わたしはどの携帯電話を買ったらよいか決められない
 which one  oneは同種類の別の物を指すときに用いる。
(3) to の位置がポイント。help +人+原型不定詞(人が〜するのを手伝う)の
(4) 僕は色にちなんでクロと名付けた。name +O+C(〜を・・・と名付ける)
 name 〇after □:□の名をとって(orにちなんで)〇と名付ける
(5) わたしが走るとき、ランニング用にデザインされた靴を履いていると、いつも
 make +人+形容詞:人を(形容詞)にさせる 長文ではほんとよく出てくる!
(6) be good at 〜ingの比較級になっている形。そして仮定法の願望の文法。
【問5】次の対話が成り立つように、(   )内の語を正しく並びかえて〔   〕に
 英文を完成しなさい。また、〔   〕に1行目のビルの会話を訳しなさい。 
Bill:I can't finish this homework by tomorrow. I wish I had more time.
Mary:Are you OK ? Well, (anything/can/I/is/there) do for you ?
Bill:Thanks. Can I call you tonight if I need your help ?
 英文〔 Well, is there anything I can do for you ? 〕
 ビル:仮定法過去の文法が入っているね。I wish 現在の事実に反する願望
 by 〜(〜までに)⇔till/until〜(〜まで)
 じゃあ、あなたのために何かすることがありますか。 関係代名詞の目的格that