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<Q.1> 次の疑問文に対し、答えの( )内に適語を入れ、〔  〕に和訳し
  なさい。                 <各3点×21=63点>
1.What time did you arrive at the hotel ?
  →(   )(          )(          ) at three.
 〔                                          〕

2.What did Ann's mother make this afternoon ?
  →(      )(         ) a cake.
 〔                                          〕

3.How did your brother go to the city hall ?
  →(    )(         )(            ) by taxi.
 〔                                          〕

4.Where does their teacher live ? →(    )(         ) in Yokohama.
 〔                                          〕

5.Who spoke to that old woman ? →Tom (      ).
 〔                                          〕

6.Who helps you with your homework ? →My sister (         ).
 〔                                          〕

7.What music did Yoshiko listen to last night ?
  →(      )(           ) to classical music. 
 〔                                          〕

8.When does Taro watch TV ? →(    )(          )(    ) after dinner.
 〔                                          〕

9.How long did Mrs. Brown stay in New York ?
  →(      )(          )(          ) for a month.
 〔                                          〕

10.How far is it from here to your house ?
  →(    )(    ) about eight hundred meters.
 〔                                          〕

11.How old is your grandmother ?
  →(     )(    ) seventy-two years old.
 〔                                          〕

12.How many people did you see at the party ?
  →(   )(      ) about fifty people.
 〔                                          〕

13.Whose are these notebooks ? →(        )(      ) hers.
 〔                                          〕

14.How long does Mr. Green take a walk in the park every morning ?
  →(    )(         ) a walk (      ) an hour.
 〔                                          〕

15.What is Mary's father doing in the yard ?
  →(    )(    ) washing his car.
 〔                                          〕

16.Which is your guitar. →This (    ) mine.
 〔                                          〕

17.When did you come bak to Japan ?
  →(   )(         ) back to Japan a few days ago.
 〔                                          〕

18.What did the children find there ? (spring:泉 )
  →(        )(          ) a little spring.
 〔                                          〕

19.Where can your friens play soccer ?
  →(         )(      )(        )(    ) in the park.
 〔                                          〕

20.What time does Akiko's father usually come home ?
  →(    )(           )(         ) home about eleven.
 〔                                          〕

21.How much is this dictionary ? →( )( ) two thousand yen.
 〔                                         〕

<Q.2>次の疑問詞のある疑問文に対し、< >内の指示通り答えなさい。
1.What did you do yesterday ? <ケンとサッカーをしました。>
2.How did you go to your aunt last Saturday ? <電車で行きました>
3.Where is his daughter now ? <自分の部屋にいます>
4.When did Mary's brother leave Japan ? <昨日発ちました>
5.Whose dolls were these ? <ナンシーのでした>
6.Who took you to the zoo ? <父です>
7.What kinds of movies do you like, Takeshi ? <アメリカ映画が好きです>

<Q.3>次の英文に対し、< >内の指示通り答えなさい。
1.This flower is mine. <this を複数に>
2.You are a good boy. <命令文に>
3.Ken put his bag on the table. <疑問文に>
4.One of my friends have a good camera. <誤りを正して書き換えなさい>

<Q.4>次の日本文を英作しなさい。      <各3点×5=15点>





<Q.1> 次の疑問文に対し、答えの( )内に適語を入れ、〔  〕に和訳し
  なさい。                  <各3点×21=63点>
1.What time did you arrive at the hotel ?
  →(I )(arrived )(there ) at three.
 〔あなたは何時にそのホテル着きましたか。→3時に着きました。 〕

2.What did Ann's mother make this afternoon ?
  →(She )(made ) a cake.

3.How did your brother go to the city hall ?
  →(He )(went )(there ) by taxi.

4.Where does their teacher live ? →(He/She )(lives ) in Yokohama.
 〔彼らの先生はどこに住んでいますか。→横浜に住んでいます。 〕

5.Who spoke to that old woman ? →Tom (did ).
  →トムです。 〕

6.Who helps you with your homework ? →My sister (does ).
 〔誰が君の宿題の手伝いをしますか。→わたしの姉です。 〕

7.What music did Yoshiko listen to last night ?
  →(She )(listened ) to classical music.

8.When does Taro watch TV ? →(He )(watches )(it ) after dinner.
 〔太郎はいつテレビを見ますか。→夕食後に見ます。 〕

9.How long did Mrs. Brown stay in New York ?
  →(She )(stayed )(there ) for a month.

10.How far is it from here to your house ?
  →(It )(is ) about eight hundred meters.
 〔ここから君の家までどのくらいありますか。→およそ800m あります。 〕

11.How old is your grandmother ?
  →(She )(is ) seventy-two years old.
 〔あなたのお祖母さんは何歳ですか。→72歳です。 〕

12.How many people did you see at the party ?
  →(I )(saw ) about fifty people.
   →約50人に会いました(見ました)。 〕

13.Whose are these notebooks ? →(They )(are ) hers.
 〔これらのノートは誰のですか。→彼女のです。 〕

14.How long does Mr. Green take a walk in the park every morning ?
  →(He )(takes ) a walk (for ) an hour.
 〔グリーンさんは毎朝公園をどのくらい散歩しますか。→1時間します。 〕

15.What is Mary's father doing in the yard ?
  →(He )(is ) washing his car.
 〔メアリーの父は庭で何をしていますか。→車を洗っています。 〕

16.Which is your guitar. →This (is ) mine.
 〔どちらがあなたのギターですか。→こちらがわたしのです。 〕

17.When did you come bak to Japan ?
  →(I )(came ) back to Japan a few days ago.

18.What did the children find there ? (spring:泉 )
  →(They )(found ) a little spring.

19.Where can your friens play soccer ?
  →(They )(can )(play )(it ) in the park.
           →公園ですることが出来ます。 〕

20.What time does Akiko's father usually come home ?
  →(He )(usually )(comes ) home about eleven.

21.How much is this dictionary ? →(It )(is ) two thousand yen.
 〔この辞書はいくらですか。→2000円です。 〕
● 今回は疑問詞のある疑問文の応答問題。ほんとこれは大切であり、また出
 ○単なる疑問文は、Yes,No で答える! 疑問詞のある疑問文は、具体的に
 ★まず設問の主語を見る!! なんといっても主語を見る。100問あれば100

 ・3人称単数かどうか!!をつかむことが一番肝心。 <3単現のs>! 
 ・主語を代名詞に転換! I,you,he,she,it,they ものの単数ならit,もの
  の複数ならthey 。
 ・疑問詞が主語の時は、代名詞で受けない! 5,6,16番。

 you →I, Ann's mother →She,your brother →He,their teacher →He/She
 Yoshiko →She,Taro →He,Mrs. Brown →She,it →It,your grandmother →
 She,you →I,these notebooks →They,Mr. Green →He,Mary's father →He,
 you →I,the children →They,your friends →They,Akiko's father →He,
 this dictionary →It

 5番,6番はWho が主語。 Who spoke 〜?→Tom did. Who helps 〜? →
 My sister does. もしbe 動詞なら、be(is・am・are) で答えるね。
 16番はWhich が主語。「どちらが」に対し、「こちらが」「あちらが」の

 ★時制を守る! 現在形なら現在形、過去形なら過去形、現在(過去)進行形
 ★設問で使っている動詞を使う! もしbe 動詞ならbe 動詞。一般動詞なら
 When does Taro watch TV ? →He watches it after dinner.
 ★目的語があれば代名詞に転換、もちろん目的格。it,them が多いね。
 ★場所は、there を用いて転換して。これが出来るかどうかで学力がわかる
 How did your brother go to the city hall ? →He went there by taxi.

<Q.2>次の疑問詞のある疑問文に対し、< >内の指示通り答えなさい。
1.What did you do yesterday ? <ケンとサッカーをしました。>
   →I played soccer with Ken.
2.How did you go to your aunt last Saturday ? <電車で行きました>
   →I went to my aunt by train.
3.Where is his daughter now ? <自分の部屋にいます>
   →She is in her room.
4.When did Mary's brother leave Japan ? <昨日発ちました>
   →He left Japan yesterday.
5.Whose dolls were these ? <ナンシーのでした>
   →They were Nancy's.
6.Who took you to the zoo ? <父です>
   →My father did. (or Father did.)
7.What kinds of movies do you like, Takeshi ? <アメリカ映画が好きです>
   →I like American movies.
■ Q.1の問題形式以上に、このQ.2の形式が出来るように訓練、努力すべし。
・5番。these は、they で受けるね。もちろんthose も。
・6番。Who が主語でしょう。took で過去形だから、助動詞のdid で受ける。
・7番。What kinds of movies:どんな種類の映画

<Q.3>次の英文に対し、< >内の指示通り答えなさい。
1.This flower is mine. <this を複数に>
   →These flowers are mine.
2.You are a good boy. <命令文に>
   →Be a good boy.
3.Ken put his bag on the table. <疑問文に>
   →Did Ken put his bag on the table ?
4.One of my friends have a good camera. <誤りを正して書き換えなさい>
   →One of my friends has a good camera.
・2番。be 動詞の命令文。命令文は、原形動詞から。よい子になりなさい。
・3番。主語はKen 。3人称単数、put にs がついていないのだから、過去形の
 put という判断がすぐに出来たかな(このすぐに、が大切)?! 
・4番。主部はOne of my friends(わたしの友人の一人は)。主語はOne 。よって
 3人称単数だから、has ですね。

 Does she practice tennis after school every day ?

 It is cloudy today.

 John was writing a letter in French.

 All of us were present at the party.
 We were all present at the party.

 How many classes(lessons) did you have on Wednesday ?
・2番。形容詞 cloudy(曇りの),rainy(雨降りの),snowy(雪が降って),sunny(
・4番。「我々は全員」:All of us  は暗記して!