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 §18.私立入試モード<あと10点アップ目指せ>【 同意文 】VOL.2

<Q.1>次の会話表現を( )に書きなさい。 <各2点×5=10点>
 Thank you (    )(        ).

 Hold on (  )(        ).=Wait a minute, please.

 (     )(   ) calling, please ?

 You have the (       )(         ).

 (       )(    ) tell him to (     ) me (     ) later ?

<Q.2>次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。
1.Which is your knife ?
=Which knife is (      ) ?

2.She speaks Chinese well.
=She (   ) a good (          ) of Chinese.

3.I want to visit Italy some day.
=I (      )(     )(   ) visit Italy some day.

4.Bob is one of my friends.
=Bob is a friend (   )(      ).

5.He is our English teacher.
=He (        ) English (   ) us.

6.We can't live if we don't have water.
=We can't live (          ) water.

7.I am so tired that I can't walk.
=I am (    ) tired (   ) walk.

8.To answer this question is difficult for me.
=(   ) is difficult (    ) me (   ) answer this question.

9.She became sick two days ago and she is still sick.
=She (    )(      ) sick (    ) two days.

10.The book is interesting to me.
=I (   )(           )(   ) the book.

11.I saw the students. They were playing table tennis merrily.
=I saw the students (         ) table tennis merrily.

12.He went to the post office and came back now.
=He (    )(      )(   ) the post office.

13.How many people do you have in your family ?
=How many people (    )(        ) in your family ?

14.This is a letter Jiro wrote.
=This is a letter (          )(   ) Jiro.

15.Mike speaks both English and French.
=Mike speaks (    )(      ) English (    )(     ) French.

<Q.3>次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。
1.How old is this church ?
=(     ) is the (    ) of this church ?

2.This is the most beautiful lake that I have ever seen.
=I (      )(       )(      ) such a beautiful lake.

3.How is the weather in Okinawa ?
=(      ) is the weather (      ) in Okinawa ?

4.How about going to the movies ?
=(    )(      ) you go to the movies ?

5.What day of the month is it today ?
=What is the (      ) today ?

6.He didn't say anything to me.
=He said (          ) to me.

7.I met a tall girl who had blue eyes.
=I met a tall girl (      ) blue eyes.

8.We live in the wooden house.
=We live in the house (      )(   ) wood.

9.Please tell me the way to the station.
=(     )(    ) I get to the station ?

10.He can't solve the problem.
=It is (          ) for (    ) to solve the problem.

11.Who is the singer she likes best ?
=Who is her (         ) singer ?

12.The old man said to him, “Don't make a noise.”
=The old man (     ) him (    )(   ) make a noise.

13.Thank you very much for helping me.
=It is very kind (   ) you (   ) help me.

14.Mary hasn't written to me for six months.
=I haven't (       )(      ) Mary for six months.

15.Children have to wear yellow caps.
=It is (          ) for children (   ) wear yellow caps.

1.The pictures are very nice. His father took them the other day.

2.What do you call this animal in English ?  <受動態にしなさい>

3.気楽にしてください(くつろいでください)。 <( )に適語を入れて>
 Make (          ) at (      ). 

4.I was surprised to be asked questions like those. <和訳しなさい>
 〔                                         〕

5.She wants to learn about Japanese people and their way of life.
 〔                                         〕

<Q.5>次の日本文にあうよう( )内の語を並べ替えて英文を完成し
   なさい。                 <各2点×4=8点>




<Q.6>次の日本文を英作しなさい。      <各3点×4=12点>




<Q.1>次の会話表現を( )に書きなさい。 <各2点×5=10点>
 Thank you (for )(calling ).

 Hold on (a )(line ).=Wait a minute, please.

 (Who )(is ) calling, please ?

 You have the (wrong )(number ).

 (Could )(you ) tell him to (call ) me (back ) later ?

<Q.2>次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。
1. Which is your knife ?
=Which knife is (yours ) ?

2. She speaks Chinese well.
=She (is ) a good (speaker ) of Chinese.

3. I want to visit Italy some day.
=I (would )(like )(to ) visit Italy some day.

4. Bob is one of my friends.
=Bob is a friend (of )(mine ).

5. He is our English teacher.
=He (teaches ) English (to ) us.

6. We can't live if we don't have water.
=We can't live (without ) water.

7. I am so tired that I can't walk.
=I am (too ) tired (to ) walk.

8. To answer this question is difficult for me.
=(It) is difficult (for ) me (to ) answer this question.

9. She became sick two days ago and she is still sick.
=She (has )(been ) sick (for ) two days.

10. The book is interesting to me.
 =I (am )(interested )(in ) the book.

11.I saw the students. They were playing table tennis merrily.
=I saw the students (playing ) table tennis merrily.

12.He went to the post office and came back now.
=He (has )(been )(to ) the post office.

13.How many people do you have in your family ?
=How many people (are )(there ) in your family ?

14.This is a letter Jiro wrote.
=This is a letter (written )(by ) Jiro.

15.Mike speaks both English and French.
=Mike speaks (not )(only ) English (but )(also ) French.

<Q.3>次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう、( )に適語を入れなさい。
1. How old is this church ?
=(What ) is the (age ) of this church ?

2. This is the most beautiful lake that I have ever seen.
=I (have )(never )(seen ) such a beautiful lake.

3. How is the weather in Okinawa ?
=(What ) is the weather (like ) in Okinawa ?

4. How about going to the movies ?
=(Why )(don't ) you go to the movies ?

5. What day of the month is it today ?
=What is the (date ) today ?

6. He didn't say anything to me.
=He said (nothing ) to me.

7. I met a tall girl who had blue eyes.
=I met a tall girl (with ) blue eyes.

8. We live in the wooden house.
=We live in the house (made )(of ) wood.

9. Please tell me the way to the station.
=(How )(can ) I get to the station ?

10.He can't solve the problem.
=It is (impossible ) for (him ) to solve the problem.

11.Who is the singer she likes best ?
=Who is her (favorite ) singer ?

12.The old man said to him, “Don't make a noise.”
=The old man (told ) him (not )(to ) make a noise.

13.Thank you very much for helping me.
=It is very kind (of ) you (to ) help me.

14.Mary hasn't written to me for six months.
=I haven't (heard )(from ) Mary for six months.

15.Children have to wear yellow caps.
=It is (necessary ) for children (to ) wear yellow caps.
・3番。〜の天気はどうですか:How is the weather in 〜 ?
             =What is the weather like in 〜 ?
・8番。wooden(ウドゥン):木製の made of wood:木でできた
・9番。How can I get to 〜?:〜へはどう行ったらいいんですか
 というか入試で試される形容詞ですね。それも、It ―for 人 to 〜構文で。
・12番。tell 人 not to 〜:人に〜しないように言う
・13番。kind という形容詞は、of を用いる。
・14番。write to(〜に手紙を書く) ⇔ hear from(〜から便りがある)

1.The pictures are very nice. His father took them the other day.
 The pictures which his father took the other day are very nice.

2.What do you call this animal in English ?  <受動態にしなさい>
 What is this animal called in English ?

3.気楽にしてください(くつろいでください)。 <( )に適語を入れて>
 Make (yourself ) at (home ). 

4.I was surprised to be asked questions like those. <和訳しなさい>
 〔私はその(それらの)ような質問を訊ねられて驚いた。       〕

5.She wants to learn about Japanese people and their way of life.
・5番。one's way of life:〜の生活様式
 and の訳し方に注意! and の前で文が切れているのか、それともand の前

<Q.5>次の日本文にあうよう( )内の語を並べ替えて英文を完成し
   なさい。                 <各2点×4=8点>
 Could you help me with my English homework ?

 Does anyone know what happened in the town ?

 Our teacher told us to study harder.

 His bicycle is much more expensive than mine.
・4番。比較級を強めるのはmuch(ずっと) 。expensive(高い) ⇔ cheap(安い)

<Q.6>次の日本文を英作しなさい。   <各3点×4=12点>
 How long will you stay in my country ?

 I'm glad(happy) to hear that.

 What do you want to be when you grow up ?

 I have wanted this dictionary for a long time.
・2番。「そのこと:that」 これは大丈夫? とても大切だからね。入試長文
 ではよく出てくる。that は、前の文章(or句)全体を指す。
・3番。grow up:大きくなる、成長する 接続詞when は、「〜する時・
 When you grow up, what do you want to be ? も、もちろん正解。