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 §4.一般動詞( be 動詞と一般動詞の総まとめ )VOL.4

<Q.1>次の単語・熟語を英語で( )に書きなさい。<各1点×10=10点>
1.しばしば(       ) 2.1番目の(        ) 3.2番目の(        )
4.訪問する(       ) 5.見せる(       ) 6.楽しむ(       )
7.徒歩で(   )(       ) 8.家を出る(       )(        )
9.夜に(   )(        ) 10.朝早く(       )(   )(     )(         )

1.I have an English book. <否定文に>

2.This is an apple. <This を Theseに変えて>

3.Your sister goes to school by bus. <疑問文に>

4.I am in Aomori. <I and my father に変えて>

5.Mary dosen't have a dictionary. <肯定文に>

6.You study math hard. <You を Your friend に変えて>

7.That is my uncle's camera. <camera を複数にして>

8.Father takes a walk in the morning. <否定文に>

9.Mrs. White has some children. <否定文に>

10.My mother sometimes makes some cakes. <疑問文に>

<Q.3>次の疑問文に対し、(   )にあてはまる語を書きなさい。
1.Do you have any pen friends in Los Angeles ? →Yes, (   )(    ).

2.Is that your racket ?  →No, (    )(    ).

3.Does Jack walk to the statoin with his brother ?
      →No, (    )(        ).

4.What do Mike and Alice like ? →(        )(        ) pop music.

5.What are these ? →(       )(      ) old chairs.

6.How are you ? →I'm fine, (        )(      ).

7.What time does Bill go to bed ?
      →(    )(        ) to bed (   ) eleven.

8.Is their uncle an engineer ? <engineer:技師>
      →Yes, (    )(    ).

9.How many oranges does your sister have in her hands ?
      →(      )(      ) five.

10.What club does Tom belong to ?
      →(    )(          ) to the science club.

<Q.4>次の文の(  )に、〔  〕内の語を適する形にして入れなさい。
1.They listen to (    ) carefully. 〔I 〕<carefully:注意深く>

2.Miss Sato knows (        ) very well. 〔they 〕

3.Do you know (      ) girls in this picture ? 〔some 〕

4.One of us (         ) at the library after school. 〔study 〕

5.We have a lot of (        ) here in June. 〔rain 〕

<Q.5>次の各組みの英文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう( )に適語を
   入れなさい。               <各2点×5=10点>
1 .Are you from England ?
=(    ) you (        ) from England ?

2. He teaches English to us.
=He is our English (          ).

3. You play the piano well.
=You (     ) a (        ) pianist.

4. She doesn't have any sisters.
=She has (   ) sisters.

5. I am a member of the tennis club.
=I am (    ) the tennis club.

<Q.6>次の英文の( )内の適する語を○で囲み、〔 〕に和訳しなさい。
1.(Is・Do・Does) your aunt beautiful ?
 〔                                            〕

2.Mary and Jane (go・goes・are) to school by bus.
 〔                                            〕
3.They don't have (some ・any・a) dictionaries.
 〔                                            〕

4.Who cooks lunch ? My sister (is・do・does).
 〔                                            〕

5.(How many・What・Who) children does she have ?
 〔                                            〕

<Q.7>次の日本文を英作しなさい。   <各3点×5=15点>





<Q.1>次の単語・熟語を英語で( )に書きなさい。<各1点×10=10点>
1.しばしば(often ) 2.1番目の(first ) 3.2番目の(second )
4.訪問する(visit ) 5.見せる(show ) 6.楽しむ(enjoy )
7.徒歩で(on )(foot ) 8.家を出る(leave )(home )
9.夜に(at )(night ) 10.朝早く(early )(in )(the )(morning )
・「家を出る」は、leave house と書く生徒がいるが、その時は
 leave one's house を用いるように。

1.I have an English book. <否定文に>
 I don't have an English book.

2.This is an apple. <This を Theseに変えて>
 These are apples.

3.Your sister goes to school by bus. <疑問文に>
 Does your sister go to school by bus ?

4.I am in Aomori. <I and my father に変えて>
 I and my father are in Aomori.

5.Mary dosen't have a dictionary. <肯定文に>
 Mary has a dictionary.

6.You study math hard. <You を Your friend に変えて>
 Your friend studies math hard.

7.That is my uncle's camera. <camera を複数にして>
 Those are my uncle's cameras.

8.Father takes a walk in the morning. <否定文に>
 Father doesn't take a walk in the morning.

9.Mrs. White has some children. <否定文に>
 Mrs. White doesn't have any children.

10.My mother sometimes makes some cakes. <疑問文に>
 Does my mother sometimes make any cakes ?
●英語はまず主語の確認! 3人称単数かどうかの判断がポイント。
・7番。be 動詞の文では主語が複数なら、あとに出てくる名詞も複数でしょう。
・時折、study をstudys と書く生徒がいるね。y の前が子音なら、y を取り、
 ies にする。母音なら、そのままs をつける。これがわからないのなら、し
 例:study →studies, carry →carries, try →tries,hurry →hurries
 play →plays, enjoy →enjoys, buy →buys, stay →stays

<Q.3>次の疑問文に対し、( )にあてはまる語を書きなさい。
1.Do you have any pen friends in Los Angeles ? →Yes, (I )(do ).

2.Is that your racket ? →No, (it )(isn't ).

3.Does Jack walk to the statoin with his brother ?
                 →No, (he )(doesn't ).

4.What do Mike and Alice like ? →(They )(like ) pop music.

5.What are these ? →(They )(are ) old chairs.

6.How are you ? →I'm fine, (thank )(you ).

7.What time does Bill go to bed ?
        →(He )(goes ) to bed (at ) eleven.

8.Is their uncle an engineer ? <engineer:技師>
        →Yes, (he )(is ).

9.How many oranges does your sister have in her hands ?
        →(She )(has ) five.

10.What club does Tom belong to ?
        →(He )(belongs ) to the science club.
・5番。these, those はthey だよ、忘れている生徒が多い。

<Q.4>次の文の( )に、〔 〕内の語を適する形にして入れなさい。
1.They listen to (me ) carefully. 〔I 〕<carefully:注意深く>

2.Miss Sato knows (them ) very well. 〔they 〕

3.Do you know (any ) girls in this picture ? 〔some 〕

4.One of us (studies ) at the library after school. 〔study 〕

5.We have a lot of (rain ) here in June. 〔rain 〕
○今までの確認だね。えっ? まだ、間違いがある? ノートにやり直し。
・5番。a lot of rain =much rain 「ここでは6月、雨がたくさん降る」
 there と、離れた場所では、They have a lot of rain there in June.

<Q.5>次の各組みの英文がほぼ同じ意味になるよう( )に適語を
   入れなさい。               <各2点×5=10点>
1. Are you from England ?
=(Do ) you (come ) from England ?

2. He teaches English to us.
=He is our English (teacher ).

3. You play the piano well.
=You (are ) a (good ) pianist.

4. She doesn't have any sisters.
=She has (no ) sisters.

5. I am a member of the tennis club.
=I am (in ) the tennis club.
・1番。be from 〜=come from 〜:〜出身である、〜から来ている
・3番。一般動詞とbe 動詞の切り替え。wellとgood に注意。
   be a member of the (  ) club =be in the (  ) club <存在のbe 動詞>

<Q.6>次の英文の( )内の適する語を○で囲み、〔 〕に和訳しなさい。
1.((Is)・Do・Does) your aunt beautiful ?
 〔あなたのおばさんは美しいですか。        〕

2.Mary and Jane ((go)・goes・are) to school by bus.
 〔メアリーとジェーンはバスで学校に通ってます。  〕

3.They don't have (some ・(any)・a) dictionaries.
 〔彼らは辞書を(全然)持ってません。       〕

4.Who cooks lunch ? My sister (is・do・(does)).
 〔誰が昼食を料理しますか。私の妹(or姉)です。  〕

5.((How many)・What・Who) children does she have ?
 〔彼女には何人の子供がいますか。         〕
・4番。cooks に対し、助動詞のdoes で受ける。日本語につられてはダメ。

 She isn't at home today.または、She doesn't stay at home.

 Who runs fast in your class ?

 He always studies before dinner.

 Alice desn't have any sisters.または、Alice has no sisters.

 What time does Tom usually go to bed ?
●頻度を表す副詞は、be 動詞のあと、一般動詞も前! 暗記しておくこと。
 <always(いつも),sometimes(時々),often(しばしば),usually(ふつう) >