中3英語実力確認テスト(1・2年の範囲) |
このテスト内容は中3生対象になりますが、「Aクラス英語(中3編)問題集」のなかの最初に「[1]1・2年の範囲の文法確認」という、まず1,2年の範囲の復習部分(8枚)があり、そのはじめの2枚(NO.1とNO.2)だけ抜粋したものです。 問い1から5までちょうど50問になるので、そのまま各2点の計100点満点というテスト形式のような形にしました。本来なら和訳や英作、またいろんなタイプの出題形式を混ぜなければなりませんが、知識や学力というものは、ある部分だけを採り上げてみても少なからずわかるところがあり、その意味でお役に立てる部分があるかもしれません・・・。 所要時間15分とします。印刷してご利用してみてください。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 【問題】 <Q.1>次の各文には1語ずつ誤りがある。その語を正しく直し、[ ]に書け。 (各2点×10=20点) 1.She must have a lot of homeworks today. [ ] 2.Both Tom and Hanako like bananas. [ ] 3.Ypu will must do the work by Tomorrow. [ ] 4.Reading books are one of my hobbies. [ ] 5.Jiro bought a new bicycle,did he ? [ ] 6.Shall I bring you anything to eat ? [ ] 7.I feel very better today than yesterday. [ ] 8.How about go swimmning in the sea ? [ ] 9.What is the second big city in Japan ? [ ] 10.Your camera isn't as good as my brother. [ ] <Q.2>次の各文には文法的に誤った箇所がある。その部分を抜き出し正しい形を [ → ]に書け。 (各2点×8=16点) 1.We will gon on a picnic if it wll be fine tomorrow. [ → ] 2.If yo don't go there, I won't go, too. [ → ] 3.Did you finish to write to Mary ? [ → ] 4.I'm looking forward to see you again. [ → ] 5.Alice is more beautiful than any other girls. [ → ] 6.Go home before it doesn't get dark. [ → ] 7.How many milk is there in the bottle ? [ → ] 8.There were little people in the town. [ → ] <Q.3>次の英文の意味が通るように、最もふさわしい前置詞を[ ]に入れよ。 (各2点×12=24点) 1.You may stay here ( ) eleven o'clock. 2.We left home at six forty-five ( ) bike. 3.Could you tell me ( ) your family ? 4.Where will you go ( ) the summer vacation ? 5.Wher is Mary ? She is ( ) front of the library. 6.Mr. Brown got ( ) a train to visit his teacher. 7.Look at that beautiful girl ( ) long hair. 8.I have to wait for my friend ( ) five more minutes. 9.What is the day ( ) Wednesday and Friday ? 10.O.K. I'll be back ( ) twenty minutes. 11.I hear we will have a school festival ( ) October 10. 12.Softball is a little different ( ) baseball. <Q.4>次の英文を< >内の指示に従って書きかえよ。(各2点×17=34点) 1.My sister always went to bed at eleven.<現在形に> 2.Father read a newspaper this morning.<否定文に> 3.We can visit New Zealand.<next yearをつけて未来形に> 4.There were some benches in the park.<疑問文に> 5.Please send me a picture of your family.<二重目的語を入れ替えて> 6.Nancy talked about her dream.<進行形に> 7.Skiing is interesting.<than skatingをつけた文に> 8.I am sure he will come here again.<過去形に> 9.Alice is a beautiful girl.<in our class をつけて最上級に> 10.This is a good dictionary.<Thisを複数形に変えて> 11.There is a knife on the desk.<aをsomeに変えて> 12.You are late for school.<否定の命令文に> 13.Those boys are Bill's cousins.<〜かもしれない、という意味の文に変えて> 14.Give me ( a ) cup of tea, please.<( )をtwoに変えて> 15.My brother brought me some comic books.<否定文に> 16.There were ( eight ) girls in the gym.<( )を問う疑問文に> 17.He wanted to be a soccer player. He was a boy.<whenで1文に> <Q.5>次の英文を< >内の指示に従って書きかえよ。(各2点×3=6点) 1.We have much rain in June.<itを主語にしてほぼ同意の文に> 2.Mary won't come here by four.<付加疑問文に> 3.If you turn right, you'll see it on the left.<命令文,and〜の文に> ===================================================================== 【解答とワンポイント解説】 <注>プリントでは右欄にあるワンポイント解説を、===以下に 書いてあります。 <Q.1>次の各文には1語ずつ誤りがある。その語を正しく直し、[ ]に書け。 (各2点×10=20点) 1.She must have a lot of homeworks today. [ homework ] 2.Both Tom and Hanako like bananas. [ like ] 3.Ypu will must do the work by Tomorrow. [ have to ] 4.Reading books are one of my hobbies. [ is ] 5.Jiro bought a new bicycle,did he ? [ didn't ] 6.Shall I bring you anything to eat ? [ something ] 7.I feel very better today than yesterday. [ much ] 8.How about go swimmning in the sea ? [ going ] 9.What is the second big city in Japan ? [ biggest ] 10.Your camera isn't as good as my brother. [ brother's ] ===================================================================== 1.homeworkにsはつかない! 他、work,informationも注意して。 2.both A and Bは複数扱い! 3.助動詞ふたつは並ばない。will have to 4.動名詞は3人称単数扱い! 5.付加疑問文(〜ですね) 前が肯定、後ろは否定 6.Shall I〜? May I〜? Will you 〜?などの疑問文では、somethingを用 いる! 7.much+比較級(ずっと〜) 8.How about+動名詞〜? 9.the second+最上級(2番目に〜) 10.対比:君のカメラとわたしの兄のカメラ <Q.2>次の各文には文法的に誤った箇所がある。その部分を抜き出し正しい形を [ → ]に書け。 (各2点×8=16点) 1.We will gon on a picnic if it wll be fine tomorrow. [ will be → is ] 2.If yo don't go there, I won't go, too. [ too → either ] 3.Did you finish to write to Mary ? [ to write → writing ] 4.I'm looking forward to see you again. [ see → seeing ] 5.Alice is more beautiful than any other girls. [ girls → girl ] 6.Go home before it doesn't get dark. [ doesn't get → gets ] 7.How many milk is there in the bottle ? [ many → much ] 8.There were little people in the town. [ little → few ] ===================================================================== 1.if節のなかは現在形! 未来形は現在形で代用する 2.〜もまた too(肯定文と疑問文)⇔ either(否定文で使う!) 3.finish(enjoy,stop)+動名詞 4.I'm looking forward to+動名詞:「〜するのを楽しみにしている」 5.比較級+than any other+単数名詞(ほかのどんな名詞より) 6.before it gets dark=before dark:暗くならないうちに 7.much milk(water,money,rain) 8.「ほとんど〜ない」:few+数えられる名詞⇔little+数えられない名詞 <Q.3>次の英文の意味が通るように、最もふさわしい前置詞を[ ]に入れよ。 (各2点×12=24点) 1.You may stay here ( till ) eleven o'clock. 2.We left home at six forty-five ( by ) bike. 3.Could you tell me ( about ) your family ? 4.Where will you go ( during ) the summer vacation ? 5.Wher is Mary ? She is ( in ) front of the library. 6.Mr. Brown got ( on ) a train to visit his teacher. 7.Look at that beautiful girl ( with ) long hair. 8.I have to wait for my friend ( for ) five more minutes. 9.What is the day ( between ) Wednesday and Friday ? 10.O.K. I'll be back ( in ) twenty minutes. 11.I hear we will have a school festival ( on ) October 10. 12.Softball is a little different ( from ) baseball. ===================================================================== 1.by〜「〜までに」⇔ till(until)〜「〜まで」 4.夏休み(の間)に 6.get on〜(〜に乗る) 7.長い髪をしたあの美しい女の子 8.もう5分(間) 9.水曜日と金曜日の間の日 10.20分で、20分すれば 11.in October⇔on October 10 12.be different from〜(〜と異なる・違う) <Q.4>次の英文を< >内の指示に従って書きかえよ。(各2点×17=34点) 1.My sister always went to bed at eleven.<現在形に> My sister always goes to bed at eleven. 2.Father read a newspaper this morning.<否定文に> Father didn' read a newspaper this morning. 3.We can visit New Zealand.<next yearをつけて未来形に> We will be able to visit New Zealand next year. 4.There were some benches in the park.<疑問文に> Were there any benches in the park ? 5.Please send me a picture of your family.<二重目的語を入れ替えて> Please send picture of your family to me. 6.Nancy talked about her dream.<進行形に> Nancy was talking about her dream. 7.Skiing is interesting.<than skatingをつけた文に> Skiing is more interesting than skating. 8.I am sure he will come here again.<過去形に> I was sure he would come here again. 9.Alice is a beautiful girl.<in our class をつけて最上級に> Alice is the most beautiful girl in our class. 10.This is a good dictionary.<Thisを複数形に変えて> These are good dictionaries. 11.There is a knife on the desk.<aをsomeに変えて> There are some knives on the desk. 12.You are late for school.<否定の命令文に> Don't be late for school. 13.Those boys are Bill's cousins.<〜かもしれない、という意味の文に変えて> Those boys may be Bill's cousins. 14.Give me ( a ) cup of tea, please.<( )をtwoに変えて> Give me two cups of tea, please. 15.My brother brought me some comic books.<否定文に> My brother didn't bring me any comic books. 16.There were (eight) girls in the gym.<( )を問う疑問文に> How many girls were there in the gym ? 17.He wanted to be a soccer player. He was a boy.<whenで1文に> He wanted to be a soccer player when he was a boy. ===================================================================== 1.3単現のsがつくかどうか。 2.Fateherは3人称単数。readにsがないことより過去形のread(レッド)の判断 read-read-read ほか、put-put-put,cut-cut-cut,shut-shut-shut 3.will be able to〜(〜できるでしょう) 4.some→any 5.前置詞(to for) send(give,tell,show,lendなど)+もの+to+人 make(buy)+もの+for+人 6.was(were)+〜ing 7.more interesting(beautiful,difficult,popularなど) 8.時制の一致! 9.the+最上級+名詞 10.すべて複数に 11.knife→knives leaf(葉)→leaves 12.be動詞の命令文 13.may be〜 beがつくかどうか?! 14.a cup of tea (1杯のお茶) two cups of tea(2杯のお茶) 15.bring(持ってくる、連れてくる)⇔ take(持ていく、連れていく) 16.数を問う疑問文 How many+複数名詞〜? <Q.5>次の英文を< >内の指示に従って書きかえよ。(各2点×3=6点) 1.We have much rain in June.<itを主語にしてほぼ同意の文に> It rains much in June. 2.Mary won't come here by four.<付加疑問文に> Mary won't come here by four,will she ? 3.If you turn right, you'll see it on the left.<命令文,and〜の文に> Turn right, and you'll see it on the left. ===================================================================== 1.much:形容詞のmuch(たくさんの)、副詞のmuch(たくさん、非常に) 2.付加疑問文(〜ですね) 前の文を訳し、〜ですねをつければいい。 3.命令文,and you'll 〜.「・・・しなさい、そうすれば〜」 命令文,or you'll 〜.「・・・しなさい、さもないと〜」 |
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